Whether a bride’s  wedding dress needs just a simple hemming, a bustle added, or needs to be completely resized, a bride’s goal is to find a credible and experienced seamstress that they can trust with their dress. As a bridal alteration seamstress, you have the freedom to choose the type of career you want for yourself.  The bridal industry is such an exciting field to be involved in. Everyone’s life is different and there are several ways that you can make your alterations business work for you. 

Types of Bridal Alteration Seamstress Careers 

In House – Bridal shops often will have in house seamstresses. The success of any bridal shop depends on how good their seamstresses are. Finding a quality seamstress is one of the bridal shops’ biggest headaches. If you are a trained bridal alterations specialist looking for a job, many bridal shops would be thrilled to work with you!


 Independent Alterations Shops – Some seamstresses require or prefer a little more freedom with their career. Having their own shop allows them to create their own schedule and not have to rely on the bridal shops policies, and facility. These shops are located in retail Malls or in separate shops open to the public. The sewing machines and other equipment are in the store and alterations are done on site.   If a seamstress has a home environment that is not conducive to having the public in her home, working in a shop is a good opportunity. 


Home Business-  Some seamstresses prefer to work from their home. The convenience of staying home is great if you are comfortable with people being in your home.  You should consider whether you have a fitting area that can always be kept clean for your brides. And an impeccably clean sewing room is a must. One huge plus is some bridal shops will refer brides to you even if you are doing independent work. If you are well trained and experienced, they are happy to send work your way.


Traveling Seamstress- One more type of seamstress is the type that does “house calls”. These seamstresses are wanting to work from home, but need their privacy or have home situations that are not great for fittings in the home. This gives the seamstress lots of flexibility, but she needs to add traveling costs to her prices.  Brides love the convenience of this service.

With any business, it is important to have goals.  Make a plan of action to grow and build yourself to be successful. If brides know you are a good seamstress, the word will spread and you will have plenty of business to keep you busy. The Anderson Alteration Academy was created for seamstresses who would like to specialize in wedding gowns and make a career out of their knowledge and skills. The courses come with videos,  homework, quizzes and your own personal mentor, Dee Dee Anderson to help you throughout the process.