About The Academy

Specializing in bridal alterations

The academy is extremely specific to the study of bridal gown alterations. Each level of the academy builds on the lessons learned in the previous level.  Therefore, all students must start with Level 1 and pass this level before they can go on to level 2 or 3 etc.


The classes includes many hours of zoom time one on one with Dee Dee Anderson.  She will be your mentor and will advise and coach you on sewing techniques and setting up your own career.  


The class also has hands on homework that needs to be done and digitally submitted to Dee Dee. She will go over all your homework with you.  If you are struggling with a certain skill, Dee Dee can talk you through it.  It is especially important that you feel confident with your skills and practice until you are comfortable with all the skills taught in each level. 


Finally, you will have testing to be sure you understand all the material in each module.  The Academy wants to be sure each student is well trained in the skills needed to do wedding dress alterations.


There are bonus classes and bonus materials that will be added with time.  These will all be free to students.  Students will also have lifetime access to their classes so they can review them if needed in the future. 


When students graduate from Level 3, the academy will have a graduate profile page on our website to market these graduates.


The academy also gives the graduate a gift Free marketing of their own business, or if they work for a bridal shop, free marketing for the shop. Dee Dee wants to do all she can to make each student successful. This free marketing will give the graduate a boost in their career.


Check out the class outline page or frequently asked questions for more information.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dee Dee.

Meet Your Mentor

Altering wedding dresses takes special skill and knowledge.  It’s important to fit a dress worthy of a lifetime of memories from a single day.

I have been in the bridal industry for over 30 years. Mentored by many bridal shops, I have performed alterations for thousands of brides in a way that it looks like a natural extension of the original dress. Being in such high demand, brides have traveled from all over North America to her small town in Northern Utah to come and see her.

Trust Brings Brides

Brides will come if they know it’s going to be done right. It’s a trust issue. This is a woman’s most important dress of her life. Often the ability to perform alterations beautifully will reflect on a bridal shop as well. Dee Dee’s skills add to the success of the store and in turn, the store brings more business back to her.

Not only will Anderson Alterations Academy teach you the skills to be a fantastic seamster, but it will also teach you how to make a career out of alterations.


Not only will Anderson Alteration Academy teach you the skills needed to be a confident and wonderful master seamster, it will also teach you how to make a career out of bridal dress alterations. The face time and homework includes career counseling and how to behave professionally with your clients and bridal shops. Brides will come wherever you live if they know their bridal dress alterations are going to be done right. It’s a trust issue. A wedding dress is the most important dress of a woman’s life.

Some brides fly in for their fittings because they know I will do an impeccable job. I have a reputation for doing the “hard stuff” and being honest. I also feel that it’s difficult for a business to overcome a bad reputation and it should be avoided at all costs. Good word of mouth from happy clients is vital to any business’s success and part of my classes and homework is teaching these skills. Often the ability to perform alterations beautifully will reflect on a bridal shop as well. My skills add to the success of the store and in turn, the store brings more business back to me.

Dee Dee Anderson