Many people spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to make a career out of something they love. Doing something you don’t enjoy day in and out can really take a toll on you mentally. Working in a profession you love can fill your life with joy instead of dreading going to work every day. Could bridal alterations be the career for you?
If you are an advanced sewer and want to know how to make a living out of it, look no further. Anderson Alterations Academy can teach you to become a master bridal alterations seamstress and teach you how to make a career out of it!
Bridal alterations as a career makes it possible for you to build your own schedule, choose your own clients and work from home. You will be able to work on multiple projects at your own pace and meet a variety of brides. It’s a special moment to achieve the perfect fit and to watch the bride see herself in her wedding dress, knowing that she will feel beautiful on her special day.
This career can adjust for different phases of your life too. There may be times when you need to work in house at a bridal shop. Other times, working from home may be more convenient for you. You may need to up your hours for emergency savings, or pull back on hours during difficult times. The flexibility makes this a career for the rest of your life.
So seriously consider whether or not bridal alterations could be the right career for you. If you’d like to discuss whether this a good option for you, contact me!