I traveled 4 hours to Boise with my husband to attend this wonderful sewing professional training conference. Covid cancelled the large event, but they put together a smaller retreat for those who could come. So much planning and coordination took place to make this smallish version successful.  I had such a wonderful time and really enjoyed the small group, friendly atmosphere. 


We arrived before our motel room was ready. We put the time to good use visiting some facebook friends I had met at a Southern Idaho Sewing Guild meet and greet.  They had businesses in downtown Boise.

I visited Monica Sailors at her sweet bridal shop Sarabeth Bridal. She stocks such beautiful dresses! I really admired her networking skills.  I could learn a lot from her in that skillset.

Next I headed over to Heather Miller’s alteration shop, Stellula Bridal Alterations. Such a lovely space and she uses every inch downstairs and up.  She had the most gorgeous ombre wedding dress on a mannequin that she had dyed. She is such an artist with a great eye for color.

By this time, my hotel room was ready.  I needed to get things set up for a bridal fitting.  Crazy story here. Back home a few weeks ago, I was scheduling a bride for her next fitting.  I mention that I need to bump her fitting back a week because I’m headed to Boise for a conference. She exclaims “I live and work in Boise!”  What??? I have had plenty of clients from Boise, but I have never been out there before. ??? So I brought her finished dress out to Boise. It fits beautifully, and back out of the hotel she goes with her dress.  That girl must be living right. That saved her a 4 hour drive out to my home.  


The classes were amazing! I attended :

*Creating Sewing Curricula for Different Stages of Development 

*Organizing your workflow for Efficiency, Profitability and Mental Tranquility. After the class we toured her business. It was very impressive how much she implemented her organizational skills into her own work flow.

*Marketing Roundtable

*Make Your Own Pressing Tools

*Textiles, their Structure and Why they Perform the Way They Do




Here’s the thing, I know what I know, I have serious skills. But there’s so much more to learn. The amount of knowledge available at these conferences is astounding. I am so grateful for the knowledge these teachers shared with me. I am so excited to implement my new knowledge into my own business. I am looking forward to Baltimore in 2022.


100 Thank yous to the 2021 learning retreat organizers.